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Is Your Inner Mind Swing, destroying Your Outer Golf Swing?
By: Randy Friedman
What negative beliefs are you carrying around in your
golf �bag�, that are destroying your golf game?
I�ve worked with golfers of all abilities, from the first lesson of gripping the club and addressing the ball, to PGA Tour players needing to clear their mind and focus with clarity.
Even though golf is 90% mental, most golfers only practice the physical aspect of the game. One of the problems is that as Golf Professionals we are not taught to do psychoanalysis, or teach golfers how to think. This is one of the main reasons handicaps have not come down in years.
�The outer conditions of a person�s life will always be found to
reflect their inner beliefs� ~ James Allen
You must change your thoughts to change your outcome! Yes, having properly fit equipment and getting great instruction is part of it. However, if you are still thinking thoughts of, �I can�t get better� or �I hate this hole� or any negative thought in golf, your are holding on to self-limiting beliefs. It is virtually impossible to improve your outcome without improving your input.
So if it is said that golf is 90% mental, then why do most amateur golfers only want to hit balls to improve their game? I�ll tell you why. They don�t know how to do anything else. Many golf instructors and most books don�t emphasize practicing mind power. The big picture is being lost in translation of the essence of the game. Get the help you need now to focus and get results you�ve always wanted. CLICK HERE to get results you want.
Golf is life!
Golf is not just about chasing a ball all over the course, it is profoundly much larger than that. Like life, golf has many games within the game. And like life, there are ups and downs to the game. The better you manage the downs, the better you will likely score. Mind power is about managing your emotions and staying in control of the situation. Developing the mental game is a huge and critical game within itself. Top athletes in the game know this, it�s time amateurs do too!
Thoughts and Emotions that will help you:
Let your current shot be your best shot. Appreciate the ability you currently have to play an amazing game, and allow your gratitude to flow.
�I love these greens, they are perfect� vs. �I hate slow greens�. Appreciate what is in the here and now.
Tell your partners know how much you appreciate playing with them. Your round will surely start and finish on a better note.
Tell your husband or wife, mother or father, sister or brother, �I love you� when they least expect it.
Hold open a door, tell a stranger �good day�, and thank your postman for delivering your mail.
Get your morning �GLO�
Wake up saying, �what a fantastic day to feel Gratitude, Love and Opportunity!�
Today is your day to start appreciating your life. See what happens when you make gratitude a daily practice! It�s the inner mind power you need to rise to the next level of your game.
Now you�re ready to make that change in your golf game. If you tried everything to help your swing and improve your score, you�ve been missing the truth. You must change your inner mind thoughts and start doing what the Pro�s on Tour already know and do. Ready?
to get the results you�ve always wanted!
Randy �Perform inside & out!�
Some Quick Golf Information golf fitness
How does that help with golf equipment you ask? Very simply, the players are promoting more equipment to make the game easier for seniors. This forces the manufacturers to step up their game and make some high quality gear they can use to score low that works just as well if not better with their aging bodies. Because of this the demand for this type of equipment is huge.
For more information go to
correct golf grip
Your clubs are probably the first piece of golf equipment to consider for an upgrade, once your on the verge of challenging Tiger for the crown. You could decide to replace the entire set of clubs, if money is no object, and your appetite for golf domination has no bounds. But there is another option to consider. There are probably many golf clubs in your bag, that haven't seen the light of day, or the green of a course since the last time you paid for drinks on the nineteenth hole. So, maybe you should just consider gradually replacing the clubs you really use with new high performance clubs. The next few times you go golfing, don't just keep track of the strokes on each hole. Take an extra golf score card, and just track of the golf clubs you use for each hole. A little more work, but after a few weeks, you should have a pretty good idea of which golf clubs you use the most, and which are just coming along for the ride. You may want to make up your own little custom golf club score card just for this exercise.
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You will require some tees. Tees are either made from wood or plastic and are used when you are teeing off on a hole. You balance the ball on the top of the tee and strike the ball from it rather than from the ground.
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Cart Golf Bags are made by dozens of manufacturers. Some of the major manufactures include Nike, Datrek, Bag Boy, Wilson, and Ogio. They also come in a variety of colors, sizes and weights. They are designed for the professional golfers and with the amateur man or woman golfer in mind. You can also find them with your favorite college or professional sport team�s logos and colors.
To learn more go to
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