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Thursday, May 01, 2008
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Bunkers And Sand Traps - How To Play Them

By Lee MacRae

Following are some tips to help improve your golf game.

Don't take digging and planting your feet for granted. Digging your feet into sand will give you a firm base with which to hit the shot. Have Also it will tell you what you're dealing with: how softer or course the sand is, how deep it is, whether there is a layer of hardpan just under the surface. But be careful when digging in, however. If you dig in it too deeply, and then fill in your footprints, you will be guilty of "building a stance&&, which is a breach of rule 13-3. The penalty is two strokes in stroke play or loss or hole in match play.

One of the most awkward bunker shots calls for you to stand outside the bunker when your ball is inside it. This usually results in unpleasant bending and a loss of balance. The key here is not to bend the back and stretch out to the ball. Concentrat instead on bending the knees as much as possible. Think of weightlifters. You never see them bending over to pick up their weights. They bend their knees, grab the weights, then simply stand up. Their legs are doing the lifting. Your legs, too, should do the bending on these tough bunker shots.

Here's another piece of visual imagery to help you cut your ball out of sand: imagine that a thick piece of cord is dangling vertically, just behind your ball.Nnow, open your stance to help you swing from the outside in, then use the leading edge of your club to slice the cord were it touches the sand. Soon you'll find yourself opening the blade properly, cutting through the ball the way the pros do.

Once you have a feel for the basics of playing from sand, you can easily understand some of the finer points of bunker play, and you will find it easy to adapt your technique to different types of sand challenges and lies. Make your golf game more enjoyable with good sand play.

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Golf Snippets

Fairway Bunkers
It goes without saying that if every course designer simply produced holes that were straight, then the game would quickly lose a great deal of the challenge that makes it such an enduring pastime for players. Hence the positioning of hazards such as water, fairway and greenside bunkers and trees.
...mastering golf UK

I have a drill that may work for you when practicing your putting stroke called the Tap stroke. To learn this stroke pretend there is a tack stuck in the back of the ball and when you make your stroke have the putter head drive the tack further into the ball. This will encourage you to hit the ball with more authority which with this shorter stroke there will be less chance of the putter blade getting out of what is called square position. So start getting "Tacky" on the greens!
...World Golf

While all golfers continue to look for that secret that will perfect their swing,. it is wishful thinking that they will find it because their is no secret to swinging the golf club. Even with the best of players no two swings are alike. What works for one player doesn't necessarily work for another. There are no two swings alike - similar, but not alike.
...Tom's golf tips

A Rehearsal Routine for Hitting Pinpoint Pitches and Chips
How you make a practice swing when chipping from off the green is especially critical. First of all, you're not just trying to calculate how far you need to hit the ball, you're also trying to determine how high the ball should fly and how much roll you want it to have. Also, a practice stroke helps you to assess the lie, which can range from having a ball that's sunken down in the rough to one sitting high on the collar. All these variables come into play when making a practice swing, which is why I think it's critical that every golfer learn a constant preshot technique.
...Golf Link

Many players do not truly understand this term, and its meaning. Some think it is hitting down on the ball. Not So! Trying to get the ball airborne is the move that disturbs this clubhead path. The loft of the clubface is sufficient to lift the ball. Attempting to lift the ball tends to open the clubface which will slice the ball and lose distance as well.
...Learn About Golf

Today's Golf News

Direct from the Tour: Tour Championship, Round 2

Thu, 03 Nov 2005 00:00:00 GMT

On Top of the Leaderboard, All Over the World

Mon, 22 Oct 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Weir Leads Titleist to Three-Win Week Across Worldwide Professional Tours

Titleist Players Winning the World Over

Mon, 20 Feb 2006 00:00:00 GMT

Ron Philo, Jr. Captures PGA Professional National Championship Trusting Titleist From Tee-to-Green

Tue, 27 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist is the Top Choice of Experience across Every Major Equipment Category

The Test Scores Are In: Titleist Is Once Again the #1 Ball at the Men's and Women's NCAA Championships.

Tue, 07 Jun 2005 00:00:00 GMT

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Sand Trap Tips And Tecniques

By Lee MacRae

Sand and bunker shots are some of the most intimidating and yet most rewarding shots in golf. Here are some quick tips to help improve your own shots from the sand.

Trying to a hit tee from under your ball is a good drill for getting your drives in the air. It's also a good drill for sand play. Here's how it's done: Tee up your ball in a bunker, and tee it up high. It is the tee from under the ball. Now tee it so that the tee is just barely showing. Hit it out again. Now position the ball so that no part of the tee is visible, the bottom of the ball is flush with the sand. Practice until you can consistently hit the tee out of the sand, then play the same shot while pretending that the tee is still under the sand. The lesson here is that the golfer hits the sand and the sand lifts the ball out of the bunker. So at no point did you think of hitting the ball itself.

Because every golfer wants to get up and down from greenside sand, there is always a great pressure to hit the ball close from a bunker. The fact is, however, that a top pro who gets up and down half the time is doing very well indeed. For this reason you should not concentrate on hitting sand shots to tap-in range [that is, to within three feet] as you would do for a long putt. Focus instead on hitting to within a target that's 12 to 15 feet in diameter. That gives you up to 7 1/2 feet to play with on each side of the hole can be much easier bull's-eye to deal with. You'll be more relaxed and will hit the ball even closer.

Excessive wrist action can wreck a golf shot. It usually leads to topping or blading, which in a greenside bunker can be especially ruinous. There is usually not much golf course around greens, and a ball blade is out of a bunker could end up in a water hazard, out of bounds, or in some other unplayable lie. It is a good idea, therefore to hit all sand shots with stiff wrists, even those that require you to cock your wrists early on the backswing. Remember; no wrists, no risk.

Once you have a feel for the basics of playing from sand, you can easily understand some of the finer points of bunker play, and you will find it easy to adapt your technique to different types of sand challenges and lies. Make your golf game more enjoyable with good sand play.

Practice anytime and anywhere with a good golf net today!

Thoughts On Golf

A More Impressive Scorecard
Correct execution of the draw will result in a more impressive scorecard. Conversely get it wrong and those trees you were hoping to avoid may be very reluctant to give up your ball without a real fight. Nevertheless, once you are confident in your swing, don't be afraid to take on the draw. It may take time and plenty of practice to master the technique, but the results can be very satisfying.
...mastering golf UK

Keep the left wrist in a flat position in relation to the back of the left forearm and back of left hand. This will allow the wrist to hinge naturally,not break,which will allow the club to go back only as far as the shoulders turn. Practice this drill daily,and before you know it your muscles will get conditioned and trained to stretch further under control to create the arc you desire without overswinging. Going to parallel is not the answer to solid shot making,and power. Distance is the speed of the lower body pulling the speed of the motion of your left arm corresponding together to launch the ball towards the target.
...LPGA tips

Golf Car

What do the numbers on the ball mean? It's one way to ID your ball, especially if you don't mark it, because someone else in your foursome may use the same type ball. (If you use Brand X number 1 and your friend uses Brand X number 2, each of you will have some way to identify which one is whose).
Carry your golf clubs with distinction with a new Titleist golf stand bag!

Ping Putters

Drivers. The latest technology has enabled drivers to be oversized, to a maximum legal size of 460 cc. Most oversizes are made of titanium or a composite of titanium/non-metals which makes them very lightweight. Manufacturers are making some heads square in shape, which allows for a bigger forgiving area on the clubface which helps to make your mis-hits stay straighter. Some companies are incorporating movable weights to their drivers so you can change the type of ball flight you want.
Carry your golf clubs with distinction with a new Ogio golf stand bag!

To achieve the goal of hitting the ball at the bottom of the swing arc. Your drives should be hit slightly on the upswing, iron shots are struck slightly on the downswing. Fairway woods are hit at the bottom of the swing arc.
...PGA of America

Golf Related News

Show Off Your Team Spirit

Thu, 24 May 2007 00:00:00 GMT
With Collegiate Custom Golf Balls and packaging, New From Titleist.

New Season of Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist Premieres on The Golf Channel

Tue, 04 Apr 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Third Season Begins April 10 with the first of 10 new episodes for 2006

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Location: Alta Loma, Ohio, United States

I like playing golf on the weekends and biking with my family. I once ran for city Council.

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